Monday, May 16, 2011

'til death do us part...

Happy Anniversary, Bridget & Todd!


and in each year...

the hours...

210,240 down


  1. anniversaries don't have to be happy you know. They are just a date that rotates every 365 days. I knew a lady with two kids who described her relationship to the father of her children as an "old fashioned divorce". Legally they were still married, but she lived upstairs and he lived downstairs. They have anniversaries too! not happy ones though! I am not sure if it is what is best or right or good! What does it do for the kids? How exactly are they supposed to figure out what is healthy and good if the two most important people in their lives are living so dysfunctionally? I have no answers for you Bridget, but I am not going to wish you a "happy" anniversary. THere isn't anything happy about it!

  2. Thanks, Anon. Just 'cause a person's not having a happy anniversary doesn't mean they can't have a happy day. As just another one of those 365 days, that day was okay. Lots of nice non-aniv. type things happened: the left-over lasagna tasted good, my daughter did a great job performing in her dance show, and Todd & I didn't have any arguments on the way to and from the show. Todd never acknowledged the day as our anniversary--which was okay because then I didn't have to either. I'm thinking that some of what we call "dysfunction" is really just "different-function". Watch the trailer I just posted to Ira & Abby for a different take on function.

  3. that is a funny trailer. "different function" is probably a lot closer to reality the the "happily ever after" fantasy that we all dream about! my 13 year old daughter was sobbing last night because she is sooooo jealous of Kate Middleton! Oh my! I really didn't know what to say! I am soon to be 50 and I am not one teeny tiny bit jealous of Kate Middleton. I feel sorry for her future "different-function". WHat about you Bridget...would you want to be Kate Middleton?

  4. NO WAY!!! PUUULEASE!!! Can you imagine getting in a tiff with your hubby and having him pull the ROYALTY card on you? I would be fun, however, to sarcastically say, "Well excuuuse me 'your highness'!" So, Kate Middleton... not so much, but I am a wee bit jealous of Maria Shriver, because of the money and support system she has in place to help her through her "Transition."
