Monday, March 1, 2010

Don't Go Breakin' My Heart (part 3)

So, you may be thinking this is just going to be a Todd-bashing blog... Oh no, that would be shallow, and I don't do shallow. Pointing fingers in blame doesn't help us grow and discover why we do the things we do, especially when they're obviously destructive.

Like I said before, this blog is my cheap form of therapy. I have a friend who is a therapist and he tells me that if I ask the right questions, chances are I'll come up with the right answers. So, I want to explore plenty of questions here, and hopefully some of them will be the "right" questions. Perhaps someone who stumbles upon this blog will have a question. If you do, don't be shy. You may be able to help me discover the questions that will resolve some of my issues, or maybe you'll learn something yourself from the mistakes I'm going to try to openly share here.

Think about this: If
Miss Understood believes she has landed with Mr. Wrong, how does that even matter if she doesn't know how to recognize (or wait for) Mr. Right? Good question. If there isn't a change in her, even if she were to move on, who's to say she wouldn't end up with Mr. Wrong II? Finger-pointers and blame-putters are usually inordinately prideful, and as you may have heard, that icky stuff usually leads to a fall. So, in the interest of by-passing that pitfall, I thought I'd start out by pointing a few more fingers at myself in a chapter within the "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" chapter entitled: "Watch out for the Loonies."

"Watch out for the Loonies" is a phrase I often use when sending my kids out onto the big bad streets. When I say that, I'm usually referring to dangerously bad drivers, disgruntled postal workers, and the neighborhood ax-murderer; however, in the context of this blog, I'm referring to guys who are likely to drive a girl's life off a high cliff into disaster. We know they're out there, and we know they're
Toonces the Driving Cat wannabes, destined to crash... so who's fault is it if an intelligent girl hops in the passenger seat? The Loony is just being a Loony. That's what Loonies do. I say a girl needs to be mighty careful who she hops in a vehicle with, especially the fast-moving vehicle of life.

How was Bridget about "watching out for the loonies"? I thought I'd make a list of all the lunatic mistakes I've made with guys. Anyone who reads this will probably think it's a wonder that I'm still alive. Yep, I've been pretty stupid.

I hate to leave you hanging, but it's really late, and I'm getting really tired, so I'm afraid I'll have to leave this one a to-be-continued.

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